• No. 85 Owerri Road, Suite 304, Ikedife City Center, Nnewi, Anambra 435101, NG
  • +2349081032446
  • info@gramefamefoundation.org

Being Human to Humans in Need

Recent happenings in the world especially after the first wave of Covid19 lockdown and restrictive measures have made the world the worst place to be for many people in the world today. For every one person that can afford the basic life needs, 99 other persons can’t afford such luxuries. The situation was grim before now but the advent of Covid19 made it much worse than ever.


The world witnessed a major health crisis that has had a ripple effect in other areas of life especially the economic and financial well-being of the people.

It is not news these days that millions of children are out of school because their parents can no longer afford to pay their school fees. Basic Medical care is now a luxury as many people due to job losses and some other factors live from hand to mouth.

Many countries from diverse continents in the world fell into recession as a result of covid 19. Developing countries were the worst hit given the already prevalent dire economic situation in most countries, it is easy to say that covid made things much worse. Businesses witnessed a huge downturn in profits, workers were laid off, prices of staple food products increased at an alarming rate. Experts believe that it will take some years for the world to recover from the damaging effects of the virus. These challenges mean that for many people it will get worse before it gets better. This is a dire situation. 


Who are the Humans in Need?

The humans in need are the less privileged among us. The people were worst hit by the economic downturn in the post covid era. They are the people that can no longer pay their children’s school fees. They are ones who cannot foot their medical bills. They are the ones that survive from hand to mouth. They are communities without the basic amenities of life. They are the people that can’t afford the necessities of life. They make up more than 60% of the world’s population. They go to bed without assurance of where their next meal will come from. They are deprived economically and they hardly get opportunities socially. They are exposed to nutritional diseases due to inadequate nutrition. 

What does it mean to be human to humans in need?

Having established that the needy are all around us in our workplace, school, office, recreation centers. Being human means that we have the task of making sure that we treat other people especially the less-priveleged as humans. It means that we should make genuine efforts and sacrifices towards alleviating the plight of the needy in our day-to-day activity across our environment. This should be a task we all as human beings should undertake. We should be humans to humans in need irrespective of tribe, race, and gender. 


There is a reason we are different from other beings on earth. There is a reason we think rationally, make relationships, and share connections and bonds. This should not be lost on us. We necessarily don’t need to be rich or become money bags, we can do it in our little way. We should also seek to understand that being human is as old as mankind, and we are separated to contribute our quota. Anything that you are doing to put a smile on the face of any human in need is you being human. 


Paying the school fees of two indigent children in your locality will definitely put a smile on the parents of the children, making them have one less problem to worry about. Paying the medical fees of indigent women in your locality, providing seedlings to farmers who want to farm but can’t afford it. Acts like this and many more are the variety of ways you can be human to people in need. 


Don’t overlook things happening in your environment; that child that is hawking while his mates are in school, have you ever wondered to ask why? Ask questions, proffer solutions and try to be of help any way you can be.


The world will be in a better place if we all become human to the humans around us.


Strive to: “Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in People” according to the words of Roy. T. Bennett.


You can partner with Gramefame Foundation to put a smile on someone’s face today.


You can Volunteer or donate to Gramefame Foundation. 


Let’s be human to humans in need around us.